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Tadasana Yoga – English

We offer Yoga Classes in Hoofddorp. Tuesday and Thursday evening and Friday morning. Join us, register for a trial lesson. Experience the power of yoga for body and mind.

Hatha Yoga Flow Courses

Dewi Gunther- Tadasana Yoga and Yoga Therapy Hoofddorp
Dewi Gunther-Soedibyo

Tadasana is offering yoga classes for small groups (Dutch) but also offer yoga lessons or therapy sessions on an individual basis (Dutch/English) Bahasa Indonesia) catered to your personal needs or medical complaints.

Hatha yoga is type of yoga that includes the practice of asanas (yoga postures) and pranayama (breathing exercises), which help bring peace to the mind and body.

I am using the method of Hatha Flow which synchronize the breath with the movement. We flow from one posture to another posture to find the calm and stillness in movement; meditation in movement.
We offer classes on Tuesday and Thursday evening which are held at Live Life Dance Center, Hoofddorp and on Friday morning at Dance school Marcella van Altena, Hoofddorp We offer a free trial to let you experience yoga. At this moment are the yoga classes given in Dutch.

Yoga Therapy

Yoga Therapy is the proses of empowering individuals to progress toward improved health and well-being through the application of the teachings and practices of yoga. (The International Association of Yoga Therapists).

Yoga therapy with special attention to medical complaints.

With yoga therapy we look to more fully adapt yoga practice to support healing and wholeness in individuals to address problems with health in far more specific way then we do in general yoga practice.

The number of people practicing yoga, specifically for therapeutic reasons, is rising. More and more doctors and healthcare practitioners are recommending yoga to complement usual medical care. Scientific research is beginning to support yoga for various health conditions.

More and more studies show promising results of yoga therapy to support the healing of health issues such as low muscular-skeletal injuries, cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, immune system, and hormones imbalance, amongst many others. It is becoming known that yoga seems to work therapeutically for a lot of people!

Certified Yoga Therapist

I am a yoga therapist, I am not a psychotherapist or physical therapist. Yoga therapy is an emerging field in response to the popularity and effectiveness of yoga for healing.

Contact us to discuss possibility for private Yoga Therapy sessions and to design a personal yoga therapy plan depending on your area of concern.

Dewi Gunther Soedibyo

Born and raised in a wonderful family in Jakarta, Indonesia, lived in Hong Kong for 2 years I now live in The Netherlands for 21 years. Married to Patrick, we have two beautiful kids and teaching Yoga now for more than 5 years. Studied Hatha Yoga at various institutes and greduated from the Yoga Therapy Institure which will allows me to assist in relieving some physical complaints by using Yoga Therapy concepts. I am passionate about offering you an improved balance between mind and physical state.

Take care of yourself
Go for a walk, eat your favorite food, get a haircut, cry if you need too, read a book, take a vacation, have a drink,
do what you need to do.
Take care of your self because at the end of the day you are all you have got.